Thursday, March 8, 2012


i never posted pictures of the shower i planned for my friend lindsey a couple of weeks back. baby tovin will be here in only two weeks! i cannot believe it. lindsey is the first of my good friends to have a baby. and surprisingly, it's not even that weird. i guess that's just what happens when you grow up--people get married and start having babies!

the problem with all your friends having babies is that it makes you want to have babies too! i have definitely caught baby fever, but lucas and i are trying to hold off for at least another year. we really want to get our finances under control and squeeze in another year of freedom before our lives will change forever:) so until then...i will keeping on planning those baby showers!


  1. when I first saw the title of this post, I thought you were announcing you were pregnant! and i got really excited. haha. but the decorations look super cute! great job :)

    1. Haha, ya I didn't really think about it at the time, but I think that title may have been a tad misleading:) no baby here! It is so good to hear from you miss Tara, how was your trip to Texas?!

  2. awww, this looks so amazing! what a nice thing to do for your friends :)


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