Thursday, April 21, 2011


i don't know why, but for the past couple of weeks i have been so irritable! i feel like every little thing annoys me or bothers me, and i have no idea why, which is so frustrating! i have been trying not to let it affect how i treat people, but my poor husband really has taken the brunt of it all:(

this picture pretty much sums up how i have been feeling

poor lucas...he hasn't had the best week. he was playing with banjo outside our apartment near a creek and somehow he slipped and fell and hit his shin pretty bad. it was pretty gnarly. i will spare you details but let's just say there was a lot of blood. he had to go to the doctor and get a tetanus shot and has been limping on it and having to keep it propped up most of the time, poor thing:(

on the brighter side of things....we are going to california!

san francisco to be exact, and i am soooo excited! i lived in the bay area for three years after college, and i absolutely loved it. i am really excited to give lucas a peek at my life back then and take him to all my fave restaurants and hangs. i am also excited to see my old roomate beth and a couple of my friends from YWAM who now live in the area, which is gonna be so awesome! i also think i just love the anticipation and having something to look forward to too:)

and what is the reason for the trip you ask? that's the most important part! lucas and i will be celebrating our one year anniversary! yay! so crazy! aaaaand, we will also be partially celebrating our 30th birthdays--even more crazy! i cannot believe i am that old, it's just weird.

anywho, here are a few pics of one of my outfits last week:)

dress, shoes, and shirt from F21

ps--my husband just told me SevenMaryThree used to be his favorite band--hahahahahahahahahahahaha

hope you are having a wonderful week!



  1. Haha that bird photo is ♥.

    And I have been grumpy recently as well, I am attributing it all to the changing of seasons. ;D

    The Cat Hag

  2. Aww, hate when I get those unexplainable blues. On a positive note though... you look absolutely lovely! I'm smitten by your gorgeous pattern mixing. I adore layering blouses under dresses such an adorable look.

    Hope your Friday is a good one. And SO wonderful to meet your blog. xx veronika

  3. Sofia- I lived in the Bay Area during college. I love SF and hope to make it out there for a visit this summer. It's one of my favorite cities in the world. Yes, I love Denver. I am from California, but I moved here for graduate school and have lived here 9 years!! My husband is from Michigan, but we met here and feel like it's our home. I am going to be teaching high school English. And I have a vintage Etsy shop too! The vintage here is great. Denver is a great city. Lots of culture & history. Not too big. Not too small.

  4. Love these mixed prints and San Francisco is FUUN!

  5. love the mix of prints so so much!
    I like your blog and I follow! visit mine and if u like it do the same: follow me back!
    I'm expecting for U!

  6. you are adoooooooorable! I love love love that outfit, the blue is amazing! I would of never guessed that everything you have on is from Forever 21.

    Lovin' browsing through your blog!

    <3 Anna

  7. I love that dress with that shirt! The patterns work perfectly together.




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