Sunday, May 29, 2011


our best friends, tommy and lydia, recently moved to a house in denton, and we miss them like crazy. what you might not know is that while tommy and lydia lived in our apartment complex, we shared our bedroom wall with theirs, and even more importantly, shared an internet connection!

thus, when they moved out, we lost our internet! not such good news for a blogger and etsy store owner. that's why i've been a bit delayed in posting lately. i've also been playing around with my blog's layout and design. i would love love love to hear your feedback and/or suggestions for making my blog more "aesthetically pleasing' or easier to navigate so pretty please feel free to share your suggestions.

in the meantime, here is something i wore the other day:)

top: vintage
bottom: vintage
necktie: vintage (for sale in my store)
sandals: UO

happy memorial day everyone!



  1. oh man! that sounds so similar to my life right now, so funny.
    My sister and brother and law are our neighbors... (we live in rented houses on this cute street) and they are moving about half a mile down the road into a loft apt. and so we are losing our shared internet!!! hahah we also share rides every day.. (i dont have a car... so i always ride around with my sister)
    Its so nice having neighbors.. and community.. but seems like both of our neighbors are headed out :(

  2. i LOVE that outfit. you look fabulous. i want those pants.

  3. love this outfit! awesome style :)

  4. so pretty! Those sandals are devine. I want to snatch them right off your feet.

  5. you look adorable.
    we used to use the internet from the restaurant beneath us but when they had to leave we had to get our own. sharing is much better.


  6. this top is adorable. i love it with the little tie. hope you get your internet squared away soon. as a blogger and vintage shop owner i also know how frustrating it can be when you aren't able to get internet as needed.

  7. Oh my, this bowtie is one of the most beautiful accesories I've ever seen! ♥ And your hair... you're just stunning!


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