Friday, April 15, 2011

Bolos are back y'all!

yes you heard me right friends--back and better than ever. well ok, this might be a tad of an exaggeration. by 'back' i mean not totally abhorent to wear (sorry to you tried and true bolo wearers out there.) i do really like the bolo i am sporting in the following pictures. as well as saying the word 'bolo.' it's just kind of fun.

these are the first outfit shoots i have ever really done. i am not one to take a lot of pictures unless i can really ham it up, so being in front of the camera was totally awkward. i noticed that a lot of these pics look a tad over-edited, but i put them up anyway. which ones do you think look the best of the batch, photowise? i need some honest opinions. also, there are a couple of things from my outfit that i will be posting to my etsy store so take a looksy!

f21 shirt, lee's vintage shorts, vintage bolo!

these shoes are so cute! sad i did not take a better picture of them, but there will be better pictures on the etsy site.

this bolo and another are up for sale in my etsy store. cute or not cute? i mean, it does have a deer on it:)
lucas got sick this week, so that was a bummer, but he got to stay home from work, which means he got to stay home with me! we did manage to squeeze in some fun stuff like taking banjo to the dog park, Bible study, watching a hailstorm, and making chocolate chip cookies:)

we even treated ourselves out to dinner, which doesn't happen very often for some reason. i either cook or we grab something fast like chic-fil-a. going out to eat feels like more of a treat now that i am married. it's so nice not having to cook or do the dishes afterward! not that i am complaining, or that lucas wouldn't cook for me if i asked him, but i do like a break every now and then:) ps--the place we went to had free wine! and you cannot beat that in my book.

so i am pretty stoked for this weekend b/c there is so much fun stuff planned! lucas was going to be out of town helping film a movie trailer for a friend, but since he still isn't feeling super well i think he is staying home, which means he'll probs end up going to the fun stuff with me! yay! pics of that to come!



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